sjbogart wrote:ok maybe im misunderstanding your point of view here but from the way i interpret what you're saying is that the local police department is to blame for this situation. is that correct? i agree that he should of not been out of jail. HOWEVER the police department DID their job and handled things in EVERY way they possibly could have!! I agree the system could use some readjusting but maybe instead of blaming the law enforcement, you should blame the court system! The police arrested him but THEY did NOT release him! I feel that if anyone is to blame then maybe it should of been the court system. We all have the right to "innocent until proven guilty" and the police officers have nothing to do with deciding if he is guilty. The Judge and society does! When Justin was questioned about Jodi's death they could not PROVE that he had anything to do with it and had therefore had to release him until proof was found! The bondsman did not revoke his bond until the time he was arrested! I am very personally involved in this case as a mother of one of Jodi's best friends and also as a mother of an Ark City Police officer!! I can not even begin to explain how this loss has affected me and cant even imagine the loss that jodis family has encountered but i do know that the Ark City Police Department did an EXCELLENT job in working this case!! I am very proud of EACH and EVERY one of them! The spent a lot of LONG days with little sleep until her body was recovered. I think that everyone (especially in this town) should compliment Each and EVERYONE on the Force!!! I know that Jodi is Dancing with the Angels and I know that she is watching down on ALL of us but especially on Lori
I am sorry that I didn't make myself clear. I was referring to the article that came out in the paper on 1/25/07 in regard to the past history of Thurber. I am in no way shape for form disrespecting the officers in regard to the investigation on Jodi's murder. Once they found a direction they went hard and fast. I am talking about the prior investigations leading up to this murder. And the system not prosecuting him harder. I don't know the Sanderholm family and I have much compassion for their loss. I too have a daughter around that age and would find it unbearable if it were my loss. My comments here are not meant to cause hurt, Just to find some change in a flawed system. In order to do that we have to change it as citizens by demanding laws be fine tuned and harsher sentences for repeat offenders.
quote: sjbogart"I am very personally involved in this case as a mother of one of Jodi's best friends and also as a mother of an Ark City Police officer!! sjbogart
Hoping that you aren't implying that your child, "Ark City Police Officer", hasn't placed the investigation in "peril".
Carrying tales outside of the "investigative/legal team", will be detrimental for the State Prosecutor!
S23246G wrote:FarmWife, I'm not sure why you have Redd Rover's name attributed to the quote in your post, but it was not him, but sjbogart who said those things. Wouldn't want to get our wires crossed.
s23246g, Do appreciate the heads up, I stand corrected.
just so everyone is clear i was not sayin that they were wrong or right in how things went down and i am truly sorry about Jodi but like i said with out proof true proof they cant do anything and hell they can throw you in jail for every lil thing you do wrong if they did that half of ac would be in jail
You moved out of AC because of the ACPD, way to go! Your sons problems will follow until you stop defending him or wants to grow up. That is the silliest thing I have ever heard. How many jobs have you quit because of a mean boss or co-worker. so....
How did Thurber get on probation in the first place....ACPD The Cowley County Jail does not have room for minor crimes that he was committing. Read the paper, understand the law. If your son would have got arrested, he could have posted a bond and be out on the street. Not very many people get stuck in or in a correctional facility for misdemeanor crimes. So once again, stop pointing fingers at the ACPD. Thurber might have a lengthy rap sheet but nothing major ( from what I have read). "he was just a boy that broke his foot a couple of times". His parents were never in trouble either.
The stalking reports did not get reported until after her disappearance, if it is not reported how can the ACPD drive to the report.
I agree with you so much. People have to realize consequences. Children need to be raised to understand that if they are told no then no is the answer. If they are grounded then they don't get to still do some things. We have to teach our children from a young age so that as adults they learn they have to obey the law. This young man evidently never learnd that and the law didn't teach him that either. I am glad we have laws but this time I wouldn't be apposed to a lench mob. When the law can't take care of it then someone has to. Nothing can be done to this young man to take away the pain he has caused so many, many people.
I do believe that the Ark City Police Department does a good job. But in my opinion and I have a feeling that many agree with me as information comes out about Mr. Thurber that the County Attorney's office lets many people down(to put it nicely). It seems like they are too concerned about protecting the criminal by just slapping them on the hand instead of slapping the cuffs on there wrist for a long time, and it makes the victim more victimized. Although my children nor myself knew Jodi, this has really effected our lives. I have personally had dealings with the county attorney's office concerning my daughter, 3 at the time, and they FAILED my daughter and many other young children, while protecting and dropping charges against the person who commited the sick crimes, and believe me there was plenty of evidence. I pray that Jodi and her family get the justice that they deserve, and that the County Attorney's office wakes up and realizes that they need to do there job in a more timely fashion, and to quit protecting the criminals.
Jodi will always dance with the angels, and when God calls the rest of us home when it is our time we will get to dance with her.
i agree that he should of not been out of jail. HOWEVER the police department DID their job and handled things in EVERY way they possibly could have!! I agree the system could use some readjusting but maybe instead of blaming the law enforcement, you should blame the court system! The police arrested him but THEY did NOT release him!
(You are mistaking. He was indeed released by the ACPD the week before the abduction and murder because he complained of chest pains, and they did not want to pay a hospital bill. The courts had nothing to do with that... it's ACPD policy.)
Even if he had been booked in jail that evening there is no guarantee he would have remained there. He probably would have bonded out once again. I know we all want to point fingers and place blame some where but the actual blame goes to the person who did this to Jodi. If we want to do something to prevent this happening again then we need to talk to those that can make changes and for us that would start w/our representatives in Topeka. It's too late to save Jodi but it might possibly save someone else.
i AM DEFINATLEY NOT IMPLYING THAT!! i Hate it admit it but I have not even talked to my son "the Police officer" since christmas!! yes i know that it makes me a TERRIBLE mother but i have been busy working 2 full time jobs and he has been busy in his. He will NOT talk to anyone about any of his cases and therefore it is easier not to even talk to him. you can call me a bad mother any day of the week and I agree but I know that i raised my children right and so I can deal with anything that ANYONE has to say about me.
I want to further make my point that my main interest in this case is that of my daughters involvement. She could of VERY easily been the victim and I KNOW that ALL of the Ark City Police Department would of not done one thing different if it would of been HER>>>
quote sjbogart "I am very personally involved in this case as a mother of one of Jodi's best friends and also as a mother of an Ark City Police officer"sjbogart quote
I am adding to the comments regarding Justin Thurber being teased growing up. There are many of us who did not fit in, were teased, made fun of. It is awful and it can stay with you for life but you dont go out and kill someone! Did he get help through school counseling or other types of counseling? Was he taught at home the difference between right and wrong? Were there consequences for his wrong doing? Obviously he was not stable. None of this is new. Everyone has thought the same thing. Yes, we feel sorry for what people did to him but WHY did Jodi and her family and friends have to pay. What went wrong with this young man? Did he slip through the cracks? Parents teach your young children empathy for others who are not like the rest. No one can really help how they look or what size they are. They wish they were different as much as anyone. Teach your kids that their are consequences for what they do, wheather they disobey at home or school or with the law. Stick to the punishment and don't let them get out of it.
well said. unfortunately, we do have too many in this generation that feel justified with their actions. most, thank god, not as extreme as thurber. "puppy", you've articulated very well one of the most serious causes for our present national syndrome. sadly, it is excused, rather than explored for substance.
puppy wrote: I am adding to the comments regarding Justin Thurber being teased growing up. ......................................... Teach your kids that their are consequences for what they do, wheather they disobey at home or school or with the law. Stick to the punishment and don't let them get out of it.
Kisses I couldn't agree with you more under these circumstances, I was a victum of rape several years ago in fact my first time was when I was 15yrs old by a man that was out on parole later to find out he raped 14 other girls prior. I don't know if he was ever convicted of the crime to me it's been several years and I've since moved from the area. I just want to say I've been through unfortunate situations that I had no controll over and it is very bothersome.
What I do know is that you are innocent until proven guilty and if you are the victim it takes an act of congress to prove that anything happened. As unfortunate as it sounds people make mistakes, however in those mistakes we all like to think they are just as such only there's a little more to it than just that. If you don't have a sound case beyond a reasonable doubt that is where unpreparing comes in that allots mistakes also ending in misstrials, thrown out cases due to lack of evidence or dismissals and allows the individual to remain out in the general public when he should be incarcerated and then some if need be. I can't express how much I feel the same way you do, the outrage, fear, compassion for Jody and her family etc.
We just have to keep in mind that with proper evidence, authority, and as many people that are on this case, media coverage as well it strikes a nerve in someone enough that the right individual/s is prosecuted for the crime, that all is taken into consideration so the right decisions can be made where it doesn't fall into the cracks again nor the release of the individual. People were afraid to step forward before now, evidence seems to be coming about everyday and will continue but this will determine also how long the individual remains in custody not to mention further action at which will effect the rest of the individuals life as it should in any and all.
If I was an attorney perhaps I could help out more, if I was more knowlegeable in this field I would be able to help, if I were a judge, if I were anything more than what I am now perhaps I wouldn't have opened the door to a stranger...if, if, if...statistically anyone can say just about anything until it happens to you and your in the other persons shoes what do you do. Yeah, I would have locked him up, you would have locked him up. Perhaps the decisions that were made are based on psychology purposes and the perpetrater always goes back to the scene of the crime or threatens someone else or does something else that contributes to the's just that much more evidence that they have and use against the individual. I don't think anyone before now had an inclenation that this was going to happen to Jodi or she would be here today.
I don't beleive that an officer outright had a hand in contributing to the death of Jody because that is what this is all about for some of you who suggest the faults of ACPD. Read the paper when Jody's family thanked ACPD and all that contributed...where in there does it say they intend to sue or hold them accountable. It is not our decision to make and it's selfish otherwise. Perhaps the probation officer may need some looking at in decsion making but that has to do with the courts and not ACPD. Also, this person committed this act on his own or with someone and obviously was well prepared in everything he did to be on probation, work for a bondsman to begin with, and an attorney who worked with the bondsman and Justin Thurber that may be the start your looking for.
These are just some of the questions I have myself and if this might be perhaps the reasons why the law it doesn't start with ACPD think about it. If anyone has more to add I would love to hear it because this above all stumps me and why wouldn't it anyone else is my question. The focus is way off balance here. I suppose I want to know why or what would Justin have to do to get the courts on his side...articulate manipulation and constant. What info and you all know he was into a realm of drugs what payoff's did he recieve perhaps it's of that why he wasn't encarcerated. Wether it be paying off the attorney fines:confused, the courts, trading information like an informate there are many ways to look at this...try considering the source and move from there is only the start of a suggestion. I'm not making accusations I'm simply asking if these might contribute only. These are hypothetical questions of many I would want to be asking and I'm not even sure if I should...but it sounds like a good start. What would you do?
I have alot to say on the matter of my friends murder, but all i can say that will keep the peace is that i miss you my friend and may you know that you will never be forgotten.
Don't you think that no matter what the ACPD did and no matter how long Justin was incarcerated that if he wanted to commit this crime that he would have done it anyway? Whenever he was released? Of course, circumstances would have changed and unfortunately it might have been a different girl, but I still think he would have done it.
It really doesn't seem appropriate to blame anyone but Justin. Even if they had him in prison for 20 years...would he have done it after that? Sure our legal system has flaws, but those rules were all made for a protect our rights. Wouldn't you want the police to have proof if they arrested you for a crime before you went to jail...I know I would.
I would never defend Justin or his behaviors, but I think that people who are doing these things across the country are going to do them regardless.
MW, Yes, I think you are right. I believe that he was bound to do this at some point in his life and little would have stopped it, in the long run. I also think that if he EVER sees the light of day again (even if it's at 65), he will do it again. In my opinion, there are people who rape and murder that will only do it once in their life. It's not a part of who they are so much as it's something they've done. In what I've seen, read and heard of Thurber, this is who he is. This is a demon that will never escape him and was merely waiting for the moment to act. I'm broken hearted that it happened to such a beautiful, amazing girl. It's horrible to think of what Jodi experienced. I do believe though that he could not have been stopped. If he had been in custody at that time, it would have merely been delayed and some of the details may have been different, but it still would have happened to some beautiful, amazing girl. And, until it happened, there was no crime for him to be held behind bars long enough to keep him from doing it.
Ya know what i think? Justin Thurber should be tortured and raped! I feel so bad for Jodi's family and friends. They have went through a lot of heartache and stress! Justin should get done to him what he did to her! And why her? she never messed with anyone, bothered anyone, she was just so nice. I didn't know her personally but i went to school with her and from what i saw, as an outsider looking in, she was very sweet and caring! Dude's attorney has got to feel like an idiot defending someone so nasty and GUILTY! He is just making himself look stupid! Once again i am so sorry for Jodi's family to have to go through all of this!
So sorry, for the sad news of Jodi, this evening. Broken my heart, as a former Cowley County resident.
Arkansas City Police, conducted an impressive investigation. Evident, that they did not allow "pride", to hinder the job. Bravo, Brava. This should be an example, for other agencies.
I just read some of the articles posted on about this story. The article explaining the "time line" of events related to this tragedy made me feel extremely sad for the Sanderholm family. I would like to say my deepest sorrow and prayers goes out to the family and friends directly related to this life altering event.
From me and my family now living in Orlando, I wish you all the best and may God bless you with all His strength.
I have gone through and delted all of my posts on this topic, and I would suggest that you all do the same. I know that we were in a state of anger and grief when these posts were originally posted, but I would hate for the defense attorney(s) to use our words as a reason to argue change of venue, or anything else they might think of arguing down the road.
I'm doing this in hopes that they have not already seen and printed this thread, but if they are worth a damn at all, they probably have. Still, if there's even a small chance that we can beat them to the punch, I say it's worth a shot.
I wish I'd thought of this sooner.
to delete your posts, just click on "edit" in the upper right of the post and then delete them. Type in something like "deleted post" or whatever and then hit submit post.
"I have gone through and deleted all of my posts on this topic, and I would suggest that you all do the same."
It is what it is. And if they have any decent computing chops, there are ways to get it even if you delete it.
If the attorneys had any sense, they would have printed it weeks ago. They brought it up in court. The important thing about this is that NONE of the discussion on these threads have anything to do with the Traveler, that none of this has anything to do with official opinion or anything other than people who accuse each other of being wingnuts and nutcases arguing with each other about their spur of the moment comments.
If an attorney wishes to claim that this blog is somehow representative of the opinions of Ark City in any kind of verifiable way, then he is the nutcase, not us.
I personally disavow the idea that all of Ark City agrees with me. I frankly doubt that anyone does.
Yea I forgot to mention that loganda, but just deleting something off the internet doesn't make it gone, there are usually fairly easy (if you've got the know how) ways to recover it.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter" -- Winston Churchill