(Located 1 mile east of the City of Tonkawa & 3/4 a mile south
of Highway 60 at Ft.Oakland) Tonkawa, OK74653
Engage in conversations and ask questions? Learn about Native Culture and Traditions.
Bring the children to experience the events and the sharing.
Annlee Cakes Native American Regalia and Crafts will be there! Come and visit our native crafts styled items like earrings, chokers, belts, hat-bands, rattles, dream-catchers, Dance Fans, medicine bags and medicine pouches, bracelets, necklaces, and Ceremonial White Sage will be available, and a whole lot more.
We will also be sharing how to make natural vine dream catchers and seed beading jewelry at the Pow Wow.
A fun and enjoyable event for the entire family to enjoy!
Please remember? When you are at a pow wow and you do see a seed beaded item you would like to try beading ask for permission first? As many are family treasures handed down generation upon generation. You will discover the Native American wearing the items usually is open and honored that you would like to re-create the finished product. Mass production to-day has filled the world with seed beaded items that appear as those we create for Regalia. The difference is easy if you examine the quality of the stitching and of course ask the one selling the item if they can craft the identicale items pattern with YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS?
This simple test is needed even at booths within the pow wows as many booths carry the mass produced seed beading items but do not do the actual seed beaded crafting them self.
At every pow wow in my booths we always keep many projects being worked upon on display for people to see we are Real Genuine Seed Bead Crafters and can make their choice of colored beads into every pattern we display in a finished product.
-- Edited by Annlee on Wednesday 18th of December 2013 07:04:07 AM
-- Edited by Annlee on Saturday 26th of April 2014 11:44:02 AM
Annlee Cakes 408 East 5th Avenue Arkansas City, Kansas Next door to the Fire department Native American Jewelry and Crafts Wedding Cakes our Specialty......by appointment Phone: 620-441-8656