Hello, I know a lot of you come here to discuss serious issues about the community, government, and the economy in general.I am just a normal guy that enjoys writing and finding the good things, people, and places in life. I think I have found all three in Ark City.
You must be thinking what is this guy selling? The answer is not a thing. I just enjoy writing and my way of traveling is writing about places and learning about people.
I decided to try to become an honorary citizen of Arkansas City. Now I am just that, and I am very proud of it. I have problems with the place where I live, problems with raising my children, and bills to pay just like everyone else. However, I will note that this honor made my day.
You can find the story on my Cranks My Tractor blog. Funny name, but I will give you an easy explanation. What cranks my tractor are some of the simpler things in life that I value the most. My family, my friends, my students, my journeys, my cast iron skillets, roasted beets, sad country songs, underdogs, cooking outside and Arkansas City, Kansas are a just a few things that crank my tractor.