Thought I'd post this here for discussion. The newly imposed fee schedule for turnoff/turnon of water services in our town.
I'll start off by saying that I think personally that it will be a "backdoor" tax on the poorest among us. Some have said or implied that the people who are late are "going to the casino." or "wasting their money on cable t.v.", etc, etc. Maybe. But there are bona fide cases of people in our town who are literally living paycheck to paycheck. Or in some cases of the elderly, living S.S. check to S.S. check. Juggling, scrimping, and starving. Is this fee a burden to them or a necessity to get them to "pay their bill on time?"
I am going to put myself and my family situation out there. Ill start by saying we have not had Cable TV or internet in over 2 years. My husband was laid off for a week and the Rubbermaid plant closed their doors for several weeks over the holidays. It started in August, with a few health problems then the roller coaster ride of not knowing if he would have a job or not. You are late one month then your paying the previous months bill and trying hard to play catch up. One more shut down or health problem youre up the creek with out a paddle. We had our water shut off for a week during Christmas. Yes we went to the casino... but not to gamble but for the match 10 play. For the past several months this has been gas money, groceries and whatever else we might need for the family. We were not a lone in this problem there were many that had the same problem and are still continuing to have. We were pinching pennies to make ends meet. Literally stealing from petter to pay paul. I believe we were very fortunate about our situation. We got our tax refund and paid all our bills and are now caught up.
I know why they are adding the fees for the water and trash. I also think that if someone is already having trouble paying how in the heck are they going to rake up the extra amount? This is only going to add to the trouble. I dont want to see my neighbors trash piling up because they can't pay their bill.
The city bills in Ark City are obscene. Having said that I have a difficult time feeling sorry for most of those who get stuck with the fees. If you are going to be late spend five minutes on the phone & let them disconnect, no fee. We have a responsibility as adults to pay our bills & pay them on time. If it's not possible to pay them on time we have the responsibility to work out an arrangement. It's part of being an adult.
The bad economy affects the City, and we are seeing that in water!
Let me share this:
My fiance comes from a City in Minnesota:
That City removed every water meter on private homes: Set a single monthly fee for water/sewer/garbage......( Thus saving readings and metering costs to every private home)....They charge a flat fee of $ 54 per month per single home.
Business buildings remain metered, as do multiple apratment rentals. Single homes rented are on the fee basis with no meters.
They have had this system for well over 14 years, and it sure works for them.
Maybe, Arkansas City elected officials should discuss this possibility?
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