In the Traveler recently was an article about the concealed carry law coming into effect at the first of the year. AC Police Chief was doing his best to get AC merchants to be guns free zones in their stores. Also on Fox news was a piece the Chief did on this same subject. It stated he was retiring at the first of the year as well. I know that the threat of guns on traffic stops and other calls are a hazard for law enforcement. But, if you have a sign in the window of a store stating the store is gun free that could be a red flag for a potential bad guy to know who "packs heat" (these are the Chief's words) or who doesn't. And to get on a regional news program and tell them this, is letting everyone within listening distance know, that we don't have guns in our stores. Hmmmm....let me see if I have this right. If the bad guy's know that the good guys can't carry guns into these businesses then the only ones to have guns will be the bad guys and the police....Right? And how many bad guys will rob a store with a patrol car sitting out front of that business? So now every one with in air waves distance of Wichita and beyond will know that 90% of the business's in AC are posted no gun zones. I am not so sure that the PR to that extent on this thing was so wise. I would be interested in knowing what the penalty for carrying a gun into a gun free zone is. Any one know?
I wholeheartedly agree with you. It is stupid for business owners to advertise their vulnerability. And, I disagree with the former Chief's stand on concealed carry. HE doesn't have to worry about it, because he can legally carry concealed. But, I wonder if he will apply to the state for the concealed carry permit available to ex law enforcement officers who have retired? Or will he walk the streets unprotected in a town where many were sent to jail or prison while he was the chief?
I wrote two lengthy opinions about this in the Traveler's online poll about concealed caryy, but neither of them saw the light of day. It seems that the traveler staff not only disagrees with the second amendment, but the first as well.
I too have been silenced on occaision by this forum. But, I will have to say on the article in the Traveler that day on the Chief's gun ban in the city, I believed the article represented both sides. They did devote a small part of the article to Kasha Kelly who voted for the concealed carry law. She also cautioned the public about jumping on the ban in the city too fast.
As far as whether the old chief will carry? After all these years it would be hard for him not too. But if he goes into any of the shops he has convinced to post, I hope he leaves it at home. Like the rest of us will have to do. Only time will tell. We will see........
I too have been silenced on occaision by this forum. But, I will have to say on the article in the Traveler that day on the Chief's gun ban in the city, I believed the article represented both sides. They did devote a small part of the article to Kasha Kelly who voted for the concealed carry law. She also cautioned the public about jumping on the ban in the city too fast.
As far as whether the old chief will carry? After all these years it would be hard for him not too. But if he goes into any of the shops he has convinced to post, I hope he leaves it at home. Like the rest of us will have to do. Only time will tell. We will see........
We don't have to see. Old Cheif will have to follow the same rules as the rest of us. So all the people he pestered to post signs need to remind him of that each time he steps into their store. He will be required to leave it at home. Federal Bill H.R. 218 states that in it's text:
(a) In General- Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 926A the following:
`Sec. 926B. Carrying of concealed firearms by qualified law enforcement officers
`(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law of any State or any political subdivision thereof, an individual who is a qualified law enforcement officer and who is carrying the identification required by subsection (d) may carry a concealed firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, subject to subsection (b).
`(b) This section shall not be construed to supersede or limit the laws of any State that--
`(1) permit private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property; or
`(2) prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on any State or local government property, installation, building, base, or park