Well I don't live in Ark City but I don't see they have the right to tell you where to park. If I lived there I would fight it. I don't park on the grass anyways but if you have a diveway and it shouldn't matter if you park there no matter if its grass, dirt, gravel or what!!! Just crazy if you ask me.
Looks like NOBODY cares what CITY GOV. can do with YOUR property.....
That is negative, I for one do care about parking and what the city government is trying to do, but gave up long ago. I sold all the property I had in town and cut out. My parents sold out as well and moved out in the county.I live out in the county now too, I see from other posts there are many that are thinking about doing the same. I have posted my opinion of what the city did to make me and my parents come to the conclusion to move but it was never posted. Not sure why...I do know there are many I have spoken too that live in town that are not happy with this proposal......I have told them of this forum...and told them that you suggest calling commisioners and going to the commission meeting. BTW....did you see the piece on KAKE TV about this proposal???? They are watching us too!!!! Good luck!!!!
While I do hate to see cars parked in people's lawns, I also think the city is getting a little carried away with telling people what kind of driveway they have to have. Some people just don't have any place to park all their vehicles and their children's vehicles, other than in their yard on the grass. And to be told that you HAVE to put in a driveway? That is ridiculous. Do you know how much it costs to pour a driveway? And, even the "runners" they are talking about would be cost prohibitive to a lot of people. And can you imagine planning a family get together, and actually going to city hall to request a PERMIT to allow your visiting family to park their cars in the yard? Not gonna happen.
While I think it would look nicer if people DIDN'T park their cars on the grass, I think this city has FAR better things to worry about. Just as I'm sure the PD has better things to do than drive around ticketing people who park on the grass. (or at least they should!)
Junk cars... now that's another story. I'm all for people having to clean junk cars out of their yards, or off the street in front of their house. But the junk car ordinance has been in effect forever and is never enforced, so what makes the city think this new one will be?
Commission may ad fines to property violations Photo by Donita Clausen click image to enlarge By JAMES JORDAN Traveler Sat, 2 17 07
Above: Arkansas City city commissioners plan to hold a pubic hearing March 6 on a proposal to ban parking in front and side yards of homes. This picture was taken on Summit Street.
I know there are those that think parking in your front yard is tacky, but I for one have had a job where I had to exit my vehicle many times on Summit to make contact with those who live on Summit. Not that I would want to park on their yard but if I had small children, you bet I would pull up closer to my house to exit the vehicle rather than to play dodge em with those idiots that think that driving by at 30+ mph within a hairs width of you car is sporting. Not to mention the ones that are adjusting their CD players, putting on make up or just eating their breakfast...lunch....or supper.
In order for the City to be able to control where you can park, borders on Nazism. They start with one rule and if not stopped, they keep coming. We already have the "grass ordinance" (dsn't apply to all people, depends on your skin colo). "window tint ordinance" (same as above, depends on your skin color) "loud music".. how would we know if it's effective? the cops don't know the names of the streets anyway scanner: ( can you tell me which direction that is?) by that time, the person has parked, outrun or hidden on someones front yard. The list goes on....rules are fine if they applied to everyone, but clearly they don't. Oh yes, the beautiful downtown, "Action City" remember ?? With few places to shop, (2 for dress shoes), ONE decent dress store, Wallyworld doesn't count, besides, Ponca has MUCH MORE VARIETY. Movie theatre out in the wheatfield, (another sore spot), the kids can no longer walk to the movies, the elders can't drive at night, the college students can't get there and now it costs at least $30.00 to go to ....the movies WHY??????? would anyone want to move/live here??? the only reason I'm here is bc of retirement. if only I'd know what wasn't coming down the pike years ago. Thanks for letting me vent, I feel better.
This evening I saw furniture on someones front lawn...(Yes it was Summit) and it wasn't lawn furniture. Is this another tax ploy for things on the front lawn besides cars? A chair I've been wanting to get rid of...but not "sale" due to a possible property tax...(hehe) I've been thinking about setting it out by the curb, if I put $5.00 on the thing, surely it will get stolen (which I don't care) or I could put "Free" on it and it will sit there untill the neighbors complain. Think I"ll try the $ thing first, it's a given.
In order for the City to be able to control where you can park, borders on Nazism. They start with one rule and if not stopped, they keep coming. We already have the "grass ordinance" (dsn't apply to all people, depends on your skin colo). "window tint ordinance" (same as above, depends on your skin color) "loud music".. Tala....
Well Tala, I will agree with you on this post. I will have to say that they do enforce the grass ordinance....although I am not sure which skin color you were talking about. I have had some problems with the city and they bantered with me about a tuft of grass on the rear of my property behind an out building. This happened more than once. When across the street was city property with grass higher than my knees and it didn't ever get cut. You could watch snakes and mice and rats run out of the city property grass and they complained about my tuft of grass in the back. They told me it was because of complaints. I say they hired one of those assistant ordinance enforcers that didn't have anything to do but watch my property and take notes. The city sent a notice more than once to the wrong address to tell me to get some building supplies cleaned up. (I gave them my proper mailing address the first time) they just didn't get it right the second time and hauled off some of my belongings. Some went to the dump.....some went to the city shop. ( I still don't know why it all didn't go to the dump) I suppose someone was going to use it. Never the less I did manage to round up most of my property that was taken by the city. It took me two days.
As far as the window tint ordinance, that is a saftey thing. And I know from first hand experience that ACPD is an equal opportunity ticket giver. (is that a word????) There is an law against a certian percentage of tint for a reason. When an officer is walking up to a car or truck on a car stop...it is imperative that you be able to see what activity is going on inside. When the tint is too dark it is impossible to see into the vehicle. Many good officers die because they either can't see into a vehicle and bad people are in them or they get complacent.
As far as shopping, I do much of my shopping in Ponca. I hate to say it but I do. I am a larger sized person and cannot find many pretty things here to wear because the stores won't carry large sized clothes. So you do what you have to do.
I too hated to see the movie theatre go out to the wheat field. I suppose that is some of that rural development that Cowley committee is always talking about. But don't worry, many parents drop off their kids and leave them there all day. There is a game room there and they run about with little or no supervision all day. They just bring lots of money and spend spend spend. Too bad! Kids need guidence not all the money they can spend on video games.
So yeah, I suppose we are both stuck here as we get older....to bad we didn't see what progress was supposed to bring. We may have made different choices.....
People of Arkansas City look OUT : Our local Beautification group would like the City to be able to control where you can park and on what surface. This is not CITY property but your OWN property, the place that YOU pay HIGH taxes on within the City limits. Yes it is bad that some people park in the front yard and I think this does look BAD and the city should have some control, but as for the surface, and spl. permit to park at or near your OWN house is going a little to far. This NOT a safety or health ordinance, its one to make a few people look good at trying to make Ark City beautiful. If I read it right this is going to cost property owners and Tax payers a lot of money. If you agree with me on this BAD ordinance, you need to start calling the City Commissioners and let them know how you feel, then when they have the public meeting go and state your views.