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Post Info TOPIC: Jodi Sanderholm, Wrongful Death Lawsuit?


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RE: Jodi Sanderholm, Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

My condolences to the family of Jodi Sanderholm and the people of Ark City.  I can only pray that I never lose a precious loved one to a predator the likes of the killer that took your child.  I stumbled across Jodi’s story very much by accident, and find myself compelled to write.  I am not from the area.  I have no local interest in writing.  I see the tragedy and suffering, the confusion and questioning in the wake of this tragedy. 


AND I see that other thing that often makes me ponder…..The pointed finger.  I suppose it’s natural.  I have seen people blame the police.  I understand that they let Mr. Suspect go because he complained of chest pains.  Perhaps a life would have been saved had Mr. Suspect been immediately incarcerated.  I find that Mr. Suspect also has a lengthy criminal history.  It is conceivable that he could have been imprisoned for one of his multiple previous crimes.  Maybe we could even say that that should be expected. 


The City of Arkansas City is, in no way, different than many other communities that lose their innocence.  It is indeed a rude wakeup call.  A family numb and shattered for generations.  How could this have happened?  Who is to blame? How can we prevent this from happening again?  The questions, then the pointed finger. 


I have seen very few fingers point to where the blame should be squarely place though.  The obvious.  Mr. Suspect.  Let’s not forget that it is HE who took this promising young life.  It is HE who made a decision to murder a young woman, to rip her from your midst.  It is he who laughs in the face of your community, your norms, your expected code of behavior. It is HE who should be destroyed, left broken, bleeding, and forgoten. 


I don’t expect that most of you who post in this forum truly understand the type of being that Mr. Suspect represents.  He is, pure and simple, a cancer.  He is not alone.  There are many more among us.  Maybe you don’t see them.  Or if you do see them, you simply choose to ignore them.  Many of us, in our sheltered lives, do not wish to believe that there are those among us capable of such violence, such destruction, such hate. 


THEY ARE THERE! And we are there also.  The path converges more than you will ever wish to know.  And we (remember where we are) allow it to happen.  THEY surround you and thrive in every burg and city in our land.  THEY come in the night, stealing our security.  THEY disregard your sanctity, pedaling filth, defiling your children and mocking you and you way of life.


Had Mr. Suspect been taken to the jail the night he was arrested for “impersonating an officer” he most certainly would have been given a court appointed attorney (at your cost btw).  He most certainly would have had his medical bills paid for by the Police Department (a greedy attorney would have seen to this).  This is common practice.  I would venture to say that the officer who had his hands on Mr. Suspect knew, that night, that it was only a ploy by Mr. Suspect to stay out of jail.  I would venture to say, also, that this was not the first time he or she had seen this.  And knew that department policy dictated that Mr. Suspect be “un arrested” and given medical treatment.  If this officer had been on the force long enough he or she might even recall having been sued at some time for not allowing some other malingerer to escape. 

Mr. Suspect would surely not ever be incarcerated previously for such petty crimes.  A court appointed attorney and an overburdened judicial system would have seen to that.  It is a sad, yet true, cliché that that Mr. Suspect has had, and will now have, more rights that Ms. Sanderholm.  He will be afforded a “competent” legal team who will sap thousands, if not millions, of dollars from the court system.  They will perhaps claim that Mr. Suspect was mentally ill, or that the evidence should be thrown to the wayside because of an obscene technicality from and obscure, time worn case.  The attorneys, and our BROKEN system of “JUSTICE”, will prevail.  Mr. Suspect with mock us again, laugh in our face. 


And the fingers will again point.  Here, and there, yet none will find the mark. 


Rest assured Mr. Suspect.  Should you, or you cohorts, decide to take the life of my precious child some day…….You should pray for a long stay in the correctional facility of your choice, as a good prison husband. 


And as for the broken legal system, and our nation of lawyers…..Some day the good people of this land will calmly make a stand, by force of arms or otherwise, to stop you and the cancer that envelopes us all. 

More lawyers is not the answer...Perhapes NONE would be just about right! 





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I'm a parent of grown children. Had my times with instituting tough love. It was tough to do then, yet, my children are proud of me now.

With Thurber's parents moving their son from the trailer he had been "evicted", that fateful day. Then, the numerous entries on his criminal record. What about Thurber's record throughtout public schooling, daycare, etc. .......I question, how much his parents/family, made excuses and kissed Thurber's boo boo's. If so, there would be negligence also to be considered for involved parties, for any Wrongful Death Suit. 

It is unfortunate, that the state placed a $300,00 cap on the monetary limit.



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The Thurber's are a good family and wonderful parents, I think you should think twice before you let your anger take over facts. What Justin may have done is horrible but I want you to think of one thing: How do you think his parents are feeling right now? They have the burden of their son being arrested for murder, people treating them like they did something wrong along with the heartache for Jodi's parents. I am writing this in hopes you will be careful how you speak of "what ifs" of this family. This entire episode in life has been more horrific than anyone can imagine. The Sanderholm's and the Thurber's are going to be hurting for a very long time. As you pray for the Sanderholm's and give condolences to them, please remember the other victims in this mess. The Thurbers don't have the community supporting them and their tragedy. Please have some compasion.



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Justme, yes, one can be good people. Yet, Thurber, was enabled and coddled years of boo boo's. We mustn't make the same errors, by coddling the parents. Let this be a lesson for all of us.



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I would like to know what boo boo's Justin's parents coddled.  Also, I do not see how you can put any blame on his parents.  Justin is responsible for his actions and reactions, we all are.  I am glad that you seem to be the minority in putting blame in the wrong place.


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Just me,
I agree with you on this. I know there are children that can be raised in the best of situations that choose not to live a productive life, and there are children that have been raised in the worst of situations that live a wonderful and socially productive life. So any coddling that may or may not have gone on is immaterial. What is important is what Justin decided to do with his life. He was not making good choices and had not been for quite sometime. As an adult his parents had to deal with what choices he made even though they didn't possibly agree with them. He WAS their child. He WAS going to make choices that they may not have made , but regardless they were his parents. I would say walk a mile in their shoes before judging them too. I too have compassion for the Thurbers, they are going through their own nightmare right now and pointing the finger at them is not productive. I believe we should direct our energies in the way of the justice system that may have intercepted Justin before he had a chance to do harm to others. And pray that Jodi gets justice.



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To clarify, Justin's parents/guardians "do" share consequencies to some extent, whether moral or civil. The major burden is with Justin.


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FarmWife wrote:

To clarify, Justin's parents/guardians "do" share consequencies to some extent, whether moral or civil. The major burden is with Justin.

I would have to say that in this wonderful country of ours it is ok for every one to have their own opinion. And tough love can work in some cases, but not all. We have no idea what may or may not have happened in the road to his adulthood that caused this problem. ADD? ADHD?ODD?Depression?Manic? Who knows! People without mental health problems don't  usually go out and kill people. Tough love can work on children that have behavioral issues possibly, but when you add behavioral issues and one or more of the above it is a toxic mix. I would like to see them charge his parents in civil courts for his behavioral problems as and adult. It JUST WON'T HAPPEN! They are not as much to blame as the judicial system for his adult behavior. I have read in some of these posts of some that knew him. I didn't saw any claim to violence in regard to him till he became an adult. As an adult, he started to become a problem. By then his parents were forced to deal with him in the only way they knew how.

If they had not taken him in after his eviction, where would he have gone. To live in his car somewhere in a park near you? They are his parents and they love him just as you love your children. And I love mine. Adult children don't always act in a way that you can understand. But you have to still love them and hope that they can someday choose the right path. We have no idea yet on whether his parents may have had something to do with his being caught. It will all come out in a trial. As far as a wrongful death suit, it is hard to get blood from a turnip and Thurber has a court appointed attorney. Which means he is indigent. Which means that he has no money. The only thing the victims family could make sure that does happen is, that he can never capitalize on this book deals...movies...ect. Hopefully the judge,jury,procecutor will be on top of that.

In a perfect world we all could have complete control of our adult children, as some seem to suggest. But we all know it isn't a perfect world. So if having some compassion for the suspects family as well as the victims is a bad thing then I suppose I choose to be wrong. I cannot see condeming his family for something HE DID.



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Excuses, excuses ..... we now have the largest percentage of grandparents raising their grandchildren, than ever before. because their children were enabled/coddled. ..... That is "one" example. If Justin, had been responsible young adult, he would have not been evicted. Takes "tough love" not too fix every boo boo. Let him live in a car, he chose the consequence to be evicted.



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Justin became an adult he is by the "chosen upbringing" of his parents/guardians.

Justin has no regards for others, he lived in the moment. Taking what he wanted and when.
Why? Because "someone" fixed his consequences throughout his life.

Our adult children are our "finished product". The parents/guardians of Justin failed.


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S23246G wrote:
I think that when all is said and done, if anyone will come under fire for this other than Justin Thurber, it will be the County Attorney, who ignored Thurber's earlier abduction.  Perhaps the victims of that incident will be brought forward to testify. 

We all have a very long road to justice ahead of us in this case, and I, for one, will reserve judgement on the Thurbers until all the facts come out.  Like whether or not Justin was picked up soaking wet at the lake on the day Jodi went missing, AND whether whoever picked him up called the authorities when the pieces fell together.  If the rumors are true, and Mr. Thurber called the authorities to lead them to the lake, then I think that must have been the hardest decision of his life, and should be commended, not villified.  How many of us could look into our childrens hearts and see evil, AND THEN have the will to do something about it?

The truth will hopefully prevail in the end. 




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I think it is evident you have a very limited scope of life and most likely little access to any type of higher education.  I understand your urgent need to place blame, but unfortunately you are projecting that blame in the wrong direction.  Do you know the Thurbers so personally that you can actually make an objective opinion?


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FarmWife wrote:

Should the family consider filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit, against Thurber?

Sheesh....What part of NO don't you understand?

Are you going to keep asking that question till you finally get someone to say what you want to hear? Oh wait!! Is this tough love? Sorry....We love you too!



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Well said!!



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Don't get it do ya.

We are each free to our opinion(s).



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Yeppers, "we" are entitled to our opinions. If "we" all thought the same, how would anything progress? Wouldn't existing be boring, if we all thought the same?



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...borrowed from another thread, well said.


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Date: Mon Feb 5 4:48 PM, 2007
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RE: Jodie Sanderholm and Arkansas City Community

I am adding to the comments regarding Justin Thurber being teased growing up.  There are many of us who did not fit in, were teased, made fun of.  It is awful and it can stay with you for life but you dont go out and kill someone! Did he get help through school counseling or other types of counseling?  Was he taught at home the difference between right and wrong?  Were there consequences for his wrong doing?  Obviously he was not stable.  None of this is new.  Everyone has thought the same thing.  Yes, we feel sorry for what people did to him but WHY did Jodi and her family and friends have to pay.  What went wrong with this young man?  Did he slip through the cracks?  Parents teach your young children empathy for others who are not like the rest.  No one can really help how they look or what size they are.  They wish they were different as much as anyone.  Teach your kids that their are consequences for what they do, wheather they disobey at home or school or with the law.  Stick to the punishment and don't let them get out of it.



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    I strongly disagree that Justin's  Parents  Failed. Believe me no matter how you raise your child or childern. When they become an Adult it is their chioces that determine what happens! And anything an that an Adult or young Adult has nothing to do with how they were raised. Its a very sad and horrible thing that took place to Jodi Sanderholm, and my smypathy goes out to the Sanderholm Famliy and Friends.  I know from fisrt hand experence  that two childern raised
in the same home. By thier Biological Parents can turn out compeletly differnt.
   So leave the parents out of a Child they raised. Who after becoming an Adult
done a Horrific act against another person. I have three children and none of them are anything alike. Yet they were all raised in the same house,by thier Parents
A Wrongful Death Suit Will not Bring Jodi back. In fact it will just delay the steps of Greifing for everyone who knew Jodi. Lets not be niave and blame the wrong people ultimatly for this Tradigidy. Iam praying for both families do do the right thing. Let Jodi rest in peace. May god bless everyone.  



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Should the family consider filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit, against Thurber?



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    I get it you are not looking in the mirror. The Bible said clean your home first
and don,t Judge least you be Judged. Let it be. Words of Wisdom to a lost Soul!

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